Ant Control

Ant Control You Can Count On

Some bite, some sting, most contaminate our food, and some spread bacterial & fungal pathogens. People say ants will someday take over the world – but you don’t have to let them rule your world. Our team of ant control experts understands the frustrations of dealing with ant infestations and is dedicated to providing targeted solutions to your particular ant problem. Different types of ants require different ant control approaches. Whether you’re dealing with common household ants or a more invasive species, we are here to identify and treat your specific ant problem quickly and effectively – guaranteed!

  • Lock Out Ants With Once-A-Year Pest Protection*

    At Safer Home Services, we’re proud to offer a reliable ant control solution that is less disruptive to your daily life. There’s no need for monthly visits or spraying the baseboards inside your home. Most ant issues can be handled through our innovative Once-A-Year Pest Protection Program.

    Our Once-A-Year Pest Protection Program is a comprehensive solution designed to lock most of the common pests–including ants–out of your home with just a single yearly visit. We do this through a higher level of training for our pest control professionals and a more thorough visit, which often lasts over 2 hours! This is a convenient and reliable ant control option that works for many of the typical ant-related problems homeowners deal with.

    ant on white background

    Effective Ant Control For Even The Toughest Ant Issues

    While most common ant issues can be handled through our Once-A-Year Pest Protection service, there are still some environments and situations that require a different approach to ant control treatments. Our team of experienced pest control professionals is dedicated to delivering targeted solutions for your unique property and pest control needs.

    Here are a few property types and circumstances that may need a different ant control approach:

    • Lots larger than ¼ acre
    • Above-average landscape density
    • Adjacent water including canals, ponds, streams, and shorelines
    • Adjacent natural areas
    • Other areas with increased pest pressure

    These types of properties will benefit from our Extended Perimeter Protection (EPP) Program. This patented, non-invasive system consists of small Ant Pro Sentinel Stations placed strategically around your home to reduce pest pressure and ant activity.

    up close photo of black ant workers tending to and transporting eggs

    Extended Perimeter Protection (EPP): How It Works

    Our EPP system consists of the Ant Pro Sentinel Baiting System to deliver ant control material. Depending on the size of your property, around four to six tamper-resistant Ant Pro baiting stations will be strategically placed around your home. These stations are durable, refillable, and can be hidden out of view while still providing you with years of dependable ant control.

    The Details: When the Ant Pro dispenser is charged with bait and activated, a small quantity of bait is released into an inclined pool area that only pests can get to. As ants consume the bait, the surface tension of the liquid is disrupted, allowing the pool to be replenished automatically. This patented combined gravity-feed and stress duct technology is very important in prolonging the effective life of the bait being used. The supply of bait is not exposed to the air or other adverse environmental elements while providing continuous insect-activated bait delivery.

    The most important fact to keep in mind is that the KM Ant Control Pro Sentinel accomplishes its task using a bait station in which the insect bait solution remains inside the sheltered unit.

    Not sure what kind of ant control you might need? Contact your local Safer Home Services team today. We’ll be happy to help you figure out the best treatment plan for your property.

    a safer home services branded ant bait device being placed in the grass

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